A one of a kind virtual event dedicated to student and early career psychologists. Selected participants will submit a brief presentation on their research to be reviewed by top psychologists around the world. Presentations and reviews will be shown during a 24-hour marathon with time for questions and answers. The marathon will start on Saturday, October 16 at 8:00 AM UTC and end Sunday, October 17 at 8:00 AM UTC. Awards will be given for the top two presentations chosen by the Executive Committee and the top five presentations overall, voted on by IAAP members. You must be a member to participate and attend.
Watch in Portuguese, French
Runnerup Awards
Paola Eunice
The Role of Remote Social Contact in Mental Health During the Pandemic
Emma Wilson
To Eat or Not to Eat; A Mindfulness-based Strategy to Manage Chocolate Cravings
Rosario Abendan
Internet Addiction Behaviors as Predictors of Functional Impairment Among College Students
Runnerup winners were selected by IAAP members and will receive two years of free membership in IAAP and a Young Board Observer seat for 2022.
Organizing Committee
Pedro Rafael Altungy Labrador, Spain
Stéphanie Racine Maurice, Canada
Jeanne Proulx-Villeneuve, Canada
Sara Liébana, Spain
Carlos Velo, Spain
Marija Davcheva, Spain
Rayna Sadia, Pakistan
AÏ Ito, China
Joyce Nansamba, Uganda
Paola Eunice Díaz Rivera, México
Andrea Bravo Doddoli, México
Scientific Committee
Pedro Rafael Altungy Labrador, Spain
Igor Areh, Slovenia
Rolando Diaz Loving, México
Daniel Dodgen, United States of America
Ronald Fischer, New Zealand
Lori Foster, United States of America
Yiqun Gan, China
Kurt Geisinger, United States of America
Peter Graf, Canada
Frederic Guay, Canada
Tim Hannan, Australia
Terry Hartig, Sweden
Paul Hartung, United States of America
Erik Hoelzl, Germany
Zhi-jin Hou, China
Dragos Iliescu, Romania
Ana Maria Jaco, Brazil
Barbara Kozusznik, Poland
Sonia Lippke, Germany
Wilson Lopez Lopez, Colombia
Richard Mababu, Spain
Vicente Martinez-Tur, Spain
Stéphanie Racine Maurice, Canada
Susan McDaniel, United States of America
Despina Moraitou, Greece
Pedro Neves, Portugal
Sabine Pahl, England
Bryan Porter, United States of America
Kazumi Renge, Japan
Christine Roland-Lévy, France
Elisabeth Rosnet, France
Montse Ruiz, Finland
Katariina Salmela-Aro, Finland
Purnima Singh, India
Usha Kiran Subba, Nepal
Christina Sue-Chan, Canada
Fanny Verkampt, France
Robyn Vines, Australia
Tomasz Zaleskiewicz, Poland
If you have any questions, please, contact us at operationscenter@iaapsy.org